Understandably, the number of photos taken by British and French servicemen during the evacuation are limited - as they had other things to preoccupy themselves with. However, the triumphant German troops spent considerable time, and camera film, documenting the destruction and detritus of war left by the retreating troops. Many of the images in the book come from this source. The authors have done a good job of explaining the locations of the photos, names of the wrecked ships that failed to return to England, and the context of the period.
In addition, there are photos from British sources, including a number of images taken by Sub-Lieutenant John Rutherford Crosby, a member of the crew of the minesweeper, and converted Clyde paddle steamer, HMS Oriole. Some of his photos are well known - such as those showing lines of men waiting for rescue from the beaches - others less so, but rarely are they credited to him, and all were taken with his own personal little camera.
While some photos in this book will be familiar and often used, many will have been seldom seen, and this book provides a very good visual representation of the evacuation of Dunkirk and the surrounding area.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for the review copy.
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